National Pancake Day comes with a free stack! Credit: D. Sharon Pruitt, Flickr If a stack of flapjacks sounds good right about now, a free one has to sound even better. National Pancake Day is getting a boost from the biggest name in the business this year -- on Feb. 23 you can get a free short stack (that's three) of IHOP's buttermilk pancakes at any restaurant in the chain. And here's some syrup on this holiday celebration: The freebie marks the fifth year of a fundraising campaign for the Children's Miracle Network. So while you're flipping for flapjacks, they're going to be coming around to ask if you'll slip the price you would have paid for those hotcakes into their hot little hands to help the non-profit organization that raises funds for more than 170 children's hospitals. IHOP seems to be the only source citing February as the month to celebrate one of our favorite breakfast treats. The majority of the Web has the party on the slate for late September. But with IHOP on the path to a $5 million fundraising goal for the CMN and a chance to try these blueberry ricotta pancakes, we're willing to celebrate now rather than later. The best news? A survey IHOP did to kick off their festivities a few years back found 70 percent of American pancake eaters will eat them for dinner. So this is a holiday snack we can eat all holiday long.
interesting! :)